Τρίτη 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Five tips for healthy skin

1.Avoid sun.
Wherever there is sunlight, there is ultraviolet (UV) radiation and wherever there is UV radiation, there is a risk of your skin being damaged.
This means that even everyday exposure to sunlight, like when you're driving your car or hanging out can cause damage to your skin.(UV rays accounted for  80 per cent of skin ageing, including wrinkles, in a study of almost 300 women – half sun-worshippers and half  shy of the sun.
The study also found that a two per cent increase in  skin damage ages a face by three years.)
To protect yourself use beauty products like powder and foundation of SPF 15+ or use broad-spectrum sunscreen.
 It's also important to avoid exposure between 10 am-2pm.

2. Treat your skin gently.
Moisturize , avoid strong soaps, apply all beuty products with light touch ,shave carefully and slowly. Never squeeze or pop your pimples - no matter how tempting it is.

3.Don't be lazy.Use in your everyday skin routine cleanser, toner and moisturizer.
Find your skin type and choose products that suit you.
Cleanse, tone and moisturize twice a day - once in the morning before you put on makeup, and once at night before you go to bed.
 This will give your skin a chance to glow and breath overnight rather than being clogged by dirt or make up.Once or twice a week, in place of your daily cleanser, you should exfoliate.

4. Have a healthy diet.
 Most experts say eating a balanced diet is the best way to get your share of good food for healthy skin,when our mothers and grandmothers told us to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables they were right.
A bad diet can cause acne and make your skin look older.
 Prefer blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and plums. The common link between these four foods is their high antioxidant content.

5. Drink a lot of water.
 Dehydration makes your skin look more dry and wrinkled, which can be improved with proper hydration.Hydration and moisturisation are different things,using a good moisturizer doesn't mean your skin is hydrated.

A Daily Mail experiment last year ,which has been republished on natural cure,is causing a stir in the beauty-sphere.
A 42-year-old mother after four weeks of drinking over 5 pints a day saw her skin dewy, uniformly bright and wrinkle-free.Not bad!

1 σχόλιο:

  1. There are many factors that cause acne. From the stress, increasing testosterone at puberty or menstruation, to pollution and other factors. Make sure to avoid stress as far as possible.
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